
Filamatic Model MNB/P-LD Monoblock E Cigarette Filler Tipper and Capper - SOLD


One (1) used Filamatic Model MNB/P-LD Monoblock E Cigarette Filler Tipper and Capper. Consists of dual 2 stage filler, tip feeder and inserter, screw cap feeder and chuck capper. Currently set up for 12 mm plugs and 20 mm caps. Equipped with quantity (2) FUS-30 pistons, 60ml maximum fill (other piston pump sizes available from OEM), capable of filling 20, 50 and 1000ml vials with proper change parts. 6 Servo drives: #'s 1 and 2:Filler, #3:Turret, #4:Insert Pick and Place, #5:Cap Pick and Place, #6: Cap Torquing. Equipped with 288" long, 3.25" wide TT Plastic Container conveyor. Last filling E Cigarette liquid flavors. 3/60/208V.

